Dear Fellow Parent,
Is your child struggling? Maybe with confidence, maybe with defiance?
Your home life doesn't need to be this challenging....
Teachers may be sending you emails about your child's/teen's behaviour. Sibling rivalry driving you c r a z y? Or maybe the coach isn't happy with your kid's performance. Perhaps your sweet child is being picked on, maybe even being bullied.
It can seem difficult to know what to do in these situations.
As a parent, you want what is best for your child but you only have so much fuel in the tank. You need a solution.
You may feel like you are saying the right things, and you probably are, but still you are getting nowhere.
How do you get your child to listen to you?
Let's face it, sometimes your kids just need to hear it from another source. That is where this program can help you.
Your child will learn the essentials of taking responsibility for his/her own self-image. She/He will understand the CORE PRINCIPLES of a healthy internal dialogue.
When your internal dialogue (your self-image) is repaired/strengthened you can build good relationships. If your child is struggling, his/her self-image is struggling.
So often we find ourselves spinning in circles trying to solve "problems" but this course will help you address and solve the root cause and focus on solutions.
In this course we give your child the tools to improve his/her self-image - improvement from the inside out. Teaching them how to turn down the volume on their inner critic so their inner champion can lead the way.
Your self-image is the foundation of your experiences as a human being. It is the filter you use for EVERYTHING.
This program will give your child the basics to create a strong self-image. You can watch it as well so you can help reinforce the ideas with your child/teen.
The course is a series of videos, and there is some homework. I suggest parents do this homework as well.
In the end, you will have a much stronger, healthier relationship with your child and I am confident you will learn a fair bit about yourself too!
Ranbir Puar
TEDx Speaker "Building Strong Children", Author, Podcaster & Life Strategies Coach